Operating System Simulator Plugin
Unreal Engine plugin that simulates an Operating System Environment
This is the complete list of members for UInternetBrowser, including all inherited members.
AddBookmark(const FBrowserBookmark &InBookmark) | UInternetBrowser | |
DeleteAllCookies(UPARAM(DisplayName="On Cookies Deleted") FOnCookieDeleteComplete Delegate) | UInternetBrowser | |
DeleteCookie(const FString &URL, const FString &CookieName, UPARAM(DisplayName="On Cookies Deleted") FOnCookieDeleteComplete Delegate) | UInternetBrowser | |
ExecuteJavascript(const FString &ScriptText) | UInternetBrowser | |
GetAddressbarUrl() const | UInternetBrowser | |
GetBookmarks() const | UInternetBrowser | inline |
GetBrowserProtocolLink() const | UInternetBrowser | |
GetCleanDomainName(const FText &InURL) | UInternetBrowser | static |
GetCookieName(const FBrowserCookie &InCookie) const | UInternetBrowser | inline |
GetHistory() const | UInternetBrowser | |
GetTitleText() const | UInternetBrowser | |
GetUrl() const | UInternetBrowser | |
InitializeInternetBrowser(const FString InOverrideURL="") | UInternetBrowser | |
IsHistoryValid(const FInternetBrowserHistory &InHistory) | UInternetBrowser | inlinestatic |
LoadString(FString Contents, FString DummyURL) | UInternetBrowser | |
LoadURL(const FText &URL) | UInternetBrowser | |
OnAccessDenied | UInternetBrowser | |
OnBeforePopup | UInternetBrowser | |
OnLoadBrowserURL | UInternetBrowser | |
OnLoadCompleted | UInternetBrowser | |
OnLoadError | UInternetBrowser | |
OnLoadStarted | UInternetBrowser | |
OnUrlChanged | UInternetBrowser | |
RebuildWidget() override | UInternetBrowser | virtual |
ReleaseSlateResources(bool bReleaseChildren) override | UInternetBrowser | virtual |
ReloadWebPage() | UInternetBrowser | protected |
RemoveBookmark(const FBrowserBookmark &InBookmark) | UInternetBrowser | |
SetCookie(const FString &URL, const FBrowserCookie &InCookie, UPARAM(DisplayName="On Cookie Set") FOnCookieSetComplete Delegate) | UInternetBrowser | |
SetCookieForAll(const FBrowserCookie &InCookie, UPARAM(DisplayName="On Cookie Set") FOnCookieSetComplete Delegate) | UInternetBrowser | |
UInternetBrowser(const FObjectInitializer &ObjectInitializer) | UInternetBrowser |