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Operating System Simulator Plugin
Unreal Engine plugin that simulates an Operating System Environment
This is the complete list of members for UDraggableWindow, including all inherited members.
AddContentWidget(class UUserWidget *InWidget, const bool bClearPrevious=true) | UDraggableWindow | |
AddContentWidgetClass(TSubclassOf< class UUserWidget > InWidgetClass, const bool bClearPrevious=true) | UDraggableWindow | |
bEnableDrag | UDraggableWindow | protected |
bEnableMaximizing | UDraggableWindow | protected |
bEnableResizing | UDraggableWindow | protected |
bIsMaximized | UDraggableWindow | protected |
CenterWindowToScreen() | UDraggableWindow | |
ChildWidget | UDraggableWindow | protected |
ChildWidgetCanvas | UDraggableWindow | protected |
CloseWindow() | UDraggableWindow | |
CreateDraggableWindow(const UObject *WorldContextObject, TSubclassOf< UDraggableWindow > WindowClass, TSubclassOf< UUserWidget > ChildWidgetClass, const FVector2D StartSize=FVector2D(640.f, 480.f), const FVector2D ResizeWidth=FVector2D(640.f, 480.f), const FVector2D ResizeHeight=FVector2D(0.f, 0.f), const bool bCenterToScreen=true, const bool bCanDrag=true, const bool bCanResize=true, const EOperatingSystemWindowStartupState WindowStartupState=EOperatingSystemWindowStartupState::Default) | UDraggableWindow | static |
CreateDraggableWindowFromWidget(const UObject *WorldContextObject, TSubclassOf< UDraggableWindow > WindowClass, UUserWidget *NewChildWidget, const FVector2D StartSize=FVector2D(640.f, 480.f), const FVector2D ResizeWidth=FVector2D(640.f, 480.f), const FVector2D ResizeHeight=FVector2D(0.f, 0.f), const bool bCenterToScreen=true, const bool bCanDrag=true, const bool bCanResize=true, const EOperatingSystemWindowStartupState WindowStartupState=EOperatingSystemWindowStartupState::Default) | UDraggableWindow | static |
CurrentZOrder | UDraggableWindow | protected |
DragKey | UDraggableWindow | protected |
GetChildWidget(UUserWidget *&OutChildWidget) const | UDraggableWindow | |
GetWindowPosition() const | UDraggableWindow | |
IsMaximized() const | UDraggableWindow | inline |
K2_OnCloseWindow() | UDraggableWindow | protected |
K2_OnContentWidgetAdded(const UUserWidget *AddedUserWidget) | UDraggableWindow | protected |
K2_OnDragStart(const FPointerEvent &InMouseEvent) | UDraggableWindow | protected |
K2_OnResizeStart(const FPointerEvent &InMouseEvent) | UDraggableWindow | protected |
K2_OnSetWindowTitle(const FText &NewWindowTitle) | UDraggableWindow | protected |
K2_OnWindowMaximizeToggled() | UDraggableWindow | protected |
K2_StartMinimized() | UDraggableWindow | protected |
LastMousePosition | UDraggableWindow | protected |
MaximizeTaskbarOffset | UDraggableWindow | protected |
NativeConstruct() override | UDraggableWindow | protectedvirtual |
NativeOnMouseButtonUp(const FGeometry &InGeometry, const FPointerEvent &InMouseEvent) override | UDraggableWindow | protectedvirtual |
NativeOnMouseMove(const FGeometry &InGeometry, const FPointerEvent &InMouseEvent) override | UDraggableWindow | protectedvirtual |
OnCloseWindow() | UDraggableWindow | inlineprotectedvirtual |
ParentSlot | UDraggableWindow | protected |
PreDragSize | UDraggableWindow | protected |
PreFullscreenAnchors | UDraggableWindow | protected |
PreFullscreenMargin | UDraggableWindow | protected |
PreResizeAlignment | UDraggableWindow | protected |
PreResizeOffset | UDraggableWindow | protected |
ResizeAreaWidget | UDraggableWindow | protected |
ResizeMaxHeight | UDraggableWindow | protected |
ResizeMaxWidth | UDraggableWindow | protected |
ResizeMinHeight | UDraggableWindow | protected |
ResizeMinWidth | UDraggableWindow | protected |
SetPosition(const FVector2D NewPosition) | UDraggableWindow | |
SetWindowTitle(const FText &NewTitle) | UDraggableWindow | inline |
StartSize | UDraggableWindow | protected |
StartupState | UDraggableWindow | protected |
ToggleMaximize() | UDraggableWindow | |
UDraggableWindow(const FObjectInitializer &ObjectInitializer) | UDraggableWindow | |
UpdateWindowSize(const FVector2D &InNewSize) | UDraggableWindow | |
WindowTitleBorderWidget | UDraggableWindow | protected |