Operating System Simulator Plugin  3.5.1
Unreal Engine plugin that simulates an Operating System Environment
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IOperatingSystemExplorerInterface Class Referenceabstract

#include "OperatingSystemExplorerInterface.h"

Inheritance diagram for IOperatingSystemExplorerInterface:

Public Member Functions

virtual TArray< UOperatingSystemDirectory * > GetChildDirectories () const =0
virtual void GetParentExplorerInterface (TScriptInterface< IOperatingSystemExplorerInterface > &OutInterface) const =0
virtual bool IsPartition () const =0
virtual FText GetInterfaceDisplayName () const =0
virtual bool FindDirectoryByTag (const FGameplayTag DirectoryTag, const bool bRecursive, UOperatingSystemDirectory *&OutDirectory) const =0
virtual TScriptInterface< IOperatingSystemExplorerInterfaceGetChildDirectory (const FString &TargetChildDirectoryName, const bool bRecursive=true) const =0
virtual TArray< UOperatingSystemFile * > GetAllFiles (const FString &WithExtension="*") const =0
virtual bool CanCreateNewFile () const =0
virtual bool HasEnoughSpace (const FOperatingSystemSizeInMB &TestSpace) const =0
 Checks whether the current directory has enough space to accommodate the specified test space.
virtual UOperatingSystemGetOperatingSystem () const =0
virtual TOptional< FString > GetFullPath () const =0
 Retrieves the full path of the current directory.
virtual TScriptInterface< IOperatingSystemExplorerInterfaceGetInterfaceFromPath (const FString &NewPath) const =0

Detailed Description

Interface for an operating system explorer.

This interface defines the functions that should be implemented by an operating system explorer class.

Member Function Documentation

◆ CanCreateNewFile()

virtual bool IOperatingSystemExplorerInterface::CanCreateNewFile ( ) const
pure virtual

Checks whether the current directory can create new files.

True if the current directory can create new files, false otherwise.

Implemented in UOperatingSystemDirectory, and UOperatingSystemPartition.

◆ FindDirectoryByTag()

virtual bool IOperatingSystemExplorerInterface::FindDirectoryByTag ( const FGameplayTag DirectoryTag,
const bool bRecursive,
UOperatingSystemDirectory *& OutDirectory ) const
pure virtual

Finds a directory by tag.

DirectoryTagThe gameplay tag used to identify the directory.
bRecursiveWhether to search recursively in subdirectories.
OutDirectoryThe output parameter that will hold the found directory.
True if a directory with the specified tag was found, false otherwise.

Implemented in UOperatingSystemDirectory, and UOperatingSystemPartition.

◆ GetAllFiles()

virtual TArray< UOperatingSystemFile * > IOperatingSystemExplorerInterface::GetAllFiles ( const FString & WithExtension = "*") const
pure virtual

Returns an array of UOperatingSystemFile objects containing all files in the operating system that match the specified extension.

WithExtensionThe extension filter to apply when retrieving files. Defaults to "*" which retrieves all files.
An array of UOperatingSystemFile objects representing the files that match the specified extension.

Implemented in UOperatingSystemDirectory, and UOperatingSystemPartition.

◆ GetChildDirectories()

virtual TArray< UOperatingSystemDirectory * > IOperatingSystemExplorerInterface::GetChildDirectories ( ) const
pure virtual

This method retrieves an array of child directories of the current directory.

Implemented in UOperatingSystemDirectory, and UOperatingSystemPartition.

◆ GetChildDirectory()

virtual TScriptInterface< IOperatingSystemExplorerInterface > IOperatingSystemExplorerInterface::GetChildDirectory ( const FString & TargetChildDirectoryName,
const bool bRecursive = true ) const
pure virtual

Retrieves the child directory with the specified name.

TargetChildDirectoryNameThe name of the child directory to retrieve.
bRecursiveIndicates whether to search for the child directory recursively. Default is true.
The child directory with the specified name, if found. Otherwise, returns nullptr.

Implemented in UOperatingSystemDirectory, UOperatingSystemPartition, UOperatingSystemDirectory, and UOperatingSystemPartition.

◆ GetFullPath()

virtual TOptional< FString > IOperatingSystemExplorerInterface::GetFullPath ( ) const
pure virtual

Retrieves the full path of the current directory.

This method retrieves the full path of the current directory.

An optional FString containing the full path of the current directory, if available. Otherwise, returns an empty optional.

Implemented in UOperatingSystemDirectory, and UOperatingSystemPartition.

◆ GetInterfaceDisplayName()

virtual FText IOperatingSystemExplorerInterface::GetInterfaceDisplayName ( ) const
pure virtual

Retrieves the display name of the interface.

The display name of the interface as FText.

Implemented in UOperatingSystemDirectory, and UOperatingSystemPartition.

◆ GetInterfaceFromPath()

virtual TScriptInterface< IOperatingSystemExplorerInterface > IOperatingSystemExplorerInterface::GetInterfaceFromPath ( const FString & NewPath) const
pure virtual

Retrieves an interface from a specified path.

This method retrieves an interface from a specified path. The path is used to locate the desired interface in the operating system.

NewPathThe path to the interface.
The interface requested, represented as TScriptInterface<IOperatingSystemExplorerInterface>.

Implemented in UOperatingSystemDirectory, and UOperatingSystemPartition.

◆ GetOperatingSystem()

virtual UOperatingSystem * IOperatingSystemExplorerInterface::GetOperatingSystem ( ) const
pure virtual

Retrieves the operating system associated with the operating system explorer.

A pointer to the operating system object. Returns nullptr if no operating system is associated.

Implemented in UOperatingSystemDirectory, and UOperatingSystemPartition.

◆ GetParentExplorerInterface()

virtual void IOperatingSystemExplorerInterface::GetParentExplorerInterface ( TScriptInterface< IOperatingSystemExplorerInterface > & OutInterface) const
pure virtual

Retrieves the parent explorer interface. For partition classes, OutInterface will always be null since there is nothing above partition. For directories however OutInterface will either be a parent directory or the parent partition.

OutInterfaceThe output parameter to store the parent explorer interface.

Implemented in UOperatingSystemDirectory, and UOperatingSystemPartition.

◆ HasEnoughSpace()

virtual bool IOperatingSystemExplorerInterface::HasEnoughSpace ( const FOperatingSystemSizeInMB & TestSpace) const
pure virtual

Checks whether the current directory has enough space to accommodate the specified test space.

This method checks whether the current directory has enough space to accommodate the specified test space.

TestSpaceThe test space to check, specified as a FOperatingSystemSizeInMB object.
True if the current directory has enough space, false otherwise.

Implemented in UOperatingSystemDirectory, and UOperatingSystemPartition.

◆ IsPartition()

virtual bool IOperatingSystemExplorerInterface::IsPartition ( ) const
pure virtual

Checks whether the object represents a partition or not.

true if the object represents a partition, false otherwise.

Implemented in UOperatingSystemDirectory, and UOperatingSystemPartition.

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