Operating System Simulator Plugin  3.5.1
Unreal Engine plugin that simulates an Operating System Environment
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UViewportWorldGameClient Class Reference

#include "ViewportWorldGameClient.h"

Inheritance diagram for UViewportWorldGameClient:
Collaboration diagram for UViewportWorldGameClient:

Public Member Functions

void SetLocalPlayer (ULocalPlayer *NewLocalPlayer)
 Set the local player associated with the viewport world game client.
void SetViewportWorldRenderingMode (const EViewportWorldRenderingMode &NewRenderingMode)
 Set the rendering mode for the viewport world.
bool SetViewportWorldViewMode (const EViewportWorldViewMode &NewViewMode)
 Sets the view mode for the viewport world.
void SetFastPostProcess (const FPostProcessSettings &NewPostProcessSettings)
 Set the fast post-process settings for the viewport world game client.
void MarkAsSecondaryWorld ()
 Marks the viewport world game client as a secondary world.
VIEWPORTWORLDS_API bool IsSecondaryViewport () const
 Returns a boolean value indicating whether the current viewport is a secondary viewport or not. A secondary viewport is a viewport that is not the primary viewport and is used for purposes such as split-screen or multi-window support.
VIEWPORTWORLDS_API TOptional< EViewportWorldRenderingModeGetCurrentRenderingMode () const
 Retrieves the current rendering mode for the viewport world game client. This method returns the current rendering mode for the viewport world game client. The rendering mode determines the quality of the rendering and the performance impact it has.
FORCEINLINE EViewModeIndex GetCurrentViewMode () const
 Get the current view mode.

Detailed Description

A class that represents the game client for a viewport world. This class inherits from UGameViewportClient and adds additional functionality specific to viewport worlds.

Member Function Documentation

◆ GetCurrentRenderingMode()

TOptional< EViewportWorldRenderingMode > UViewportWorldGameClient::GetCurrentRenderingMode ( ) const

Retrieves the current rendering mode for the viewport world game client. This method returns the current rendering mode for the viewport world game client. The rendering mode determines the quality of the rendering and the performance impact it has.

The current rendering mode as a TOptional<EViewportWorldRenderingMode> object. If the game client is a secondary world, the method will return the current rendering mode. Otherwise, it will return an empty optional value.
The rendering mode can be one of the following values:
  • Fast: Represents low-quality rendering with the fastest performance. Does not support dynamic global illumination (GI).
  • Partial: Represents somewhat better quality rendering but may cause flickering issues.
  • Replace: Represents the best quality rendering but can have a significant impact on performance. Supports dynamic GI and all post-processing effects.
See also

◆ GetCurrentViewMode()

FORCEINLINE EViewModeIndex UViewportWorldGameClient::GetCurrentViewMode ( ) const

Get the current view mode.

This method returns the current view mode for the viewport world. The view mode determines how the world is displayed in the viewport.

The current view mode as an EViewModeIndex.

◆ IsSecondaryViewport()

VIEWPORTWORLDS_API bool UViewportWorldGameClient::IsSecondaryViewport ( ) const

Returns a boolean value indicating whether the current viewport is a secondary viewport or not. A secondary viewport is a viewport that is not the primary viewport and is used for purposes such as split-screen or multi-window support.

true if the viewport is a secondary viewport, false otherwise.

◆ MarkAsSecondaryWorld()

void UViewportWorldGameClient::MarkAsSecondaryWorld ( )

Marks the viewport world game client as a secondary world.

This method sets the flag bIsSecondaryWorld to true, indicating that the game client represents a secondary world in the viewport.

This method should be called when the viewport world should be treated as a secondary world.
See also

◆ SetFastPostProcess()

void UViewportWorldGameClient::SetFastPostProcess ( const FPostProcessSettings & NewPostProcessSettings)

Set the fast post-process settings for the viewport world game client.

This method allows the user to set the fast post-process settings for the viewport world game client. The fast post-process settings control the post-processing effects applied to the rendered image in the viewport world.

NewPostProcessSettingsThe new post-process settings to be applied.

◆ SetLocalPlayer()

void UViewportWorldGameClient::SetLocalPlayer ( ULocalPlayer * NewLocalPlayer)

Set the local player associated with the viewport world game client.

This method allows you to set the local player associated with the viewport world game client. The local player represents the player who controls the in-game character in the viewport world.

NewLocalPlayerThe local player to set.

◆ SetViewportWorldRenderingMode()

void UViewportWorldGameClient::SetViewportWorldRenderingMode ( const EViewportWorldRenderingMode & NewRenderingMode)

Set the rendering mode for the viewport world.

This method allows you to set the rendering mode for the viewport world. The rendering mode determines how the scene is rendered in the viewport.

NewRenderingModeThe rendering mode to set. The possible values are:

◆ SetViewportWorldViewMode()

bool UViewportWorldGameClient::SetViewportWorldViewMode ( const EViewportWorldViewMode & NewViewMode)

Sets the view mode for the viewport world.

This method allows you to set the view mode for the viewport world. The view mode determines how the scene is rendered in the viewport. The possible values for the NewViewMode parameter are:

NewViewModeThe view mode to set.
Returns true if the CurrentWorldViewMode is different from the NewViewMode and the view mode was successfully changed, false otherwise.

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