Operating System Simulator Plugin  3.5.1
Unreal Engine plugin that simulates an Operating System Environment
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OperatingSystemBaseDevice.h File Reference
#include "OperatingSystemTypes.h"
#include "GameplayTagContainer.h"
#include "OperatingSystemGenericError.h"
#include "OperatingSystemRangeTime.h"
#include "UObject/Object.h"
#include "Runtime/Engine/Classes/Engine/TimerHandle.h"
#include "OperatingSystemBaseDevice.generated.h"
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class  UOperatingSystemBaseDevice
 This class represents a device that can run an operating system. It contains properties related to the device hardware, the operating system that the device is running, and the device state. It also provides functions to start and stop the operating system, manage the device's on-screen widget, and update the device state. More...


using FOnOperatingSystemStartedDelegate


 DECLARE_DYNAMIC_MULTICAST_DELEGATE_TwoParams (FOnDeviceStateChanged, const EOperatingSystemDeviceState &, _PrevState, const EOperatingSystemDeviceState &, _NewState)

Typedef Documentation

◆ FOnOperatingSystemStartedDelegate

Function Documentation


const EOperatingSystemDeviceState & ,
_PrevState ,
const EOperatingSystemDeviceState & ,
_NewState  )