Operating System Simulator Plugin  3.5.1
Unreal Engine plugin that simulates an Operating System Environment
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UOperatingSystemStatics Class Reference

#include "OperatingSystemStatics.h"

Inheritance diagram for UOperatingSystemStatics:
Collaboration diagram for UOperatingSystemStatics:

Static Public Member Functions

static bool IsUniqueIdValid (const FOperatingSystemUniqueId &TestID)
static FString UniqueIdToString (const FOperatingSystemUniqueId &TestID)
static bool IsOperatingSystemTagValid (const FGameplayTag &TestTag)
static int32 GetSize (const EOperatingSystemCommonSizes &Size)
static FGenericError CreateGenericError (const FText ErrorCode, const FText ErrorDescription)
static FOperatingSystemNotification CreateNotification (const FText Title, const FText Description, const EOperatingSystemNotificationCategory NotificationCategory, const EOperatingSystemNotificationType Verbosity, const TSoftObjectPtr< UObject > Icon, const FText Code)
static double ConvertMB_ToBytes (const float SizeInMB)
static double ConvertGB_ToBytes (const float SizeInGB)
static float ConvertGB_ToMB (const float SizeInGB)
static float ConvertMB_ToGB (const float SizeInMB)
static float ConvertBytes_ToGB (const double SizeInBytes)
static float ConvertBytes_ToMB (const double SizeInBytes)
static UOperatingSystemBaseHardwareFindHardwareByTag (const AOperatingSystemDeviceActor *TargetDevice, const FGameplayTag HardwareTag)
static bool GetCpuSocketName (const FGameplayTag SocketTag, FText &OutValue)
static void ShutdownOperatingSystem (UOperatingSystem *TargetOS, FGenericError &OutError)
static void RestartOperatingSystem (UOperatingSystem *TargetOS, FGenericError &OutError)
static bool AddNotification (UOperatingSystem *TargetOperatingSystem, const FOperatingSystemNotification &Notification)
static bool AddNotificationFromError (UOperatingSystem *TargetOperatingSystem, const FGenericError &Error, const EOperatingSystemNotificationCategory NotificationCategory, const EOperatingSystemNotificationType Verbosity=EOperatingSystemNotificationType::Error)
static UOperatingSystemFileOpenFile (UOperatingSystemFile *TargetFile, FGenericError &OutError)
static bool IsUserValid (const FOperatingSystemUser &TestUser)
static bool IsRegisteredUserValid (const FOperatingSystemUser &TestUser)
static bool UserHasCompleteProfile (const FOperatingSystemUser &TestUser)
static bool UsersEqual (const FOperatingSystemUser &Lhs, const FOperatingSystemUser &Rhs)
static bool UsersNotEqual (const FOperatingSystemUser &Lhs, const FOperatingSystemUser &Rhs)
static bool IsNotificationValid (const FOperatingSystemNotification &TestNotification)
static bool GetSpecialDirectoryName (const FGameplayTag DirectoryTag, FText &OutDirectoryName)
static FText GetCpuSpeedAsText (const float &CpuSpeedInGHz, const bool bUseGHZ=true)
static FText GetSizeAsText (const EOperatingSystemCommonSizes Size)
static FText GenerateRandomErrorCode ()
static FText GetTimeAsText (const FDateTime &DateTime, const bool bShowSeconds=false, const EOperatingSystemTimeSeparator Separator=EOperatingSystemTimeSeparator::Colon)
static FText GetDateAsText (const FDateTime &DateTime, const EOperatingSystemDateSeparator Separator=EOperatingSystemDateSeparator::Dash)
static FText GetRelativeTime (const FDateTime &UtcTime, const bool bShowMinutesDifference=true, const bool bShowHourDifference=true, const bool bShowDaysDifference=true, const EOperatingSystemDateSeparator DateSeparator=EOperatingSystemDateSeparator::Dash, const EOperatingSystemTimeSeparator TimeSeparator=EOperatingSystemTimeSeparator::Colon)
static FString RegexExpression (const FString &TargetString, const FString RegexPattern)
static EOperatingSystemPasswordStrength DeterminePasswordStrength (const FString &Input)
static AOperatingSystemDeviceActorFindDeviceActorByTag (const UObject *WorldContextObject, const FGameplayTag TestTag)
static void FindDeviceActorsByTag (const UObject *WorldContextObject, const FGameplayTag TestTag, TArray< AOperatingSystemDeviceActor * > &OutDeviceActors)
static UOperatingSystemDeviceMessengerFindMessengerForDevice (const UObject *WorldContextObject, const FGameplayTag TestTag)
static UOperatingSystemDeviceMessengerFindMessengerFromOperatingSystem (const UOperatingSystem *TargetOS)
static UOperatingSystemUserManagerGetUserManager (const UObject *WorldContextObject)
static bool IsProgramClassCompatibleWithOS (const TSubclassOf< UOperatingSystemBaseProgram > ProgramClass, const UOperatingSystem *TargetOS, FGenericError &OutError)
static FTimespan GetTimeDifferenceFromUTC ()
static FDateTime ConvertUtcTimeToLocalTime (const FDateTime &UtcTime)
static float GetRangeTime (const FOperatingSystemRangeTime &TimeRange, const float FallbackTime=0.2)
static void RequestFundsFromBank (const UObject *WorldContextObject, FGenericError &OutErrorIfAny, const FOperatingSystemUser &TargetUser, const FOperatingSystemRequestFund FundDetails)
static float CalculatePercentageForValue (const float Percentage, const float TargetValue)
static bool EvaluateMathExpression (const FString Expression, float &OutValue)
static bool IsMailDataValid (const FOperatingSystemMailSetting &TestMailSetting)
static bool DrawWidgetToTexture (const UObject *WorldContextObject, UTextureRenderTarget2D *TargetTexture, UUserWidget *Widget, const bool bDeferUpdate=true, const float DeltaTime=0.f)
static FText GetMonthName (const FDateTime &DateTime, const bool bShort=false)
static UTexture2D * CreateTextureFromPath (const FString &InImagePath)
static FOperatingSystemBattery CreateNewBattery (const FText Name, const FText Brand, const float Capacity, const float ChargeRate, const EOperatingSystemBatteryEfficiencyLoss EfficiencyLoss, FGenericError &OutError)
static float GetBatteryHealth (const FOperatingSystemBattery &Battery, const bool bNormalize=true)
static FText GetBatteryHealthText (const FOperatingSystemBattery &Battery)
static FString GetPathDelimiter (const UOperatingSystem *TargetOS)

Static Protected Member Functions

static FString VersionToString (const FOperatingSystemVersion &Version, const bool bIgnorePatch=false)
static bool Equal_Version (const FOperatingSystemVersion &VersionOne, const FOperatingSystemVersion &VersionTwo)
static bool LessThan_Version (const FOperatingSystemVersion &VersionOne, const FOperatingSystemVersion &VersionTwo)
static bool GreaterThan_Version (const FOperatingSystemVersion &VersionOne, const FOperatingSystemVersion &VersionTwo)

Detailed Description

A static library of functions related to the operating system.

This class provides various static functions for operating system related operations.

Member Function Documentation

◆ AddNotification()

bool UOperatingSystemStatics::AddNotification ( UOperatingSystem * TargetOperatingSystem,
const FOperatingSystemNotification & Notification )

Adds a notification to the specified operating system.

TargetOperatingSystemThe operating system to add the notification to.
NotificationThe notification to add.
True if the notification was successfully added, false otherwise.
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ AddNotificationFromError()

bool UOperatingSystemStatics::AddNotificationFromError ( UOperatingSystem * TargetOperatingSystem,
const FGenericError & Error,
const EOperatingSystemNotificationCategory NotificationCategory,
const EOperatingSystemNotificationType Verbosity = EOperatingSystemNotificationType::Error )

Adds a notification from an error to the operating system.

TargetOperatingSystemThe target operating system to add the notification to.
ErrorThe error to generate the notification from.
NotificationCategoryThe category of the notification.
VerbosityThe verbosity level of the notification. Defaults to EOperatingSystemNotificationType::Error.
True if the notification was successfully added, false otherwise.
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ CalculatePercentageForValue()

float UOperatingSystemStatics::CalculatePercentageForValue ( const float Percentage,
const float TargetValue )

Calculates the percentage of a given TargetValue based on the Percentage provided. If the Percentage is less than or equal to 0, the method returns 0.

PercentageThe percentage value to calculate.
TargetValueThe target value to calculate the percentage on.
The calculated percentage value.
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ ConvertBytes_ToGB()

float UOperatingSystemStatics::ConvertBytes_ToGB ( const double SizeInBytes)

Converts the given size in bytes to gigabytes.

SizeInBytesThe size in bytes to convert.
The size in gigabytes.

◆ ConvertBytes_ToMB()

float UOperatingSystemStatics::ConvertBytes_ToMB ( const double SizeInBytes)

Converts a size in bytes to megabytes.

This method assumes size in bytes as input and returns the equivalent size in megabytes.

SizeInBytesThe size in bytes to be converted.
The size in megabytes after converting from bytes.
The method assumes the input size is in bytes and converts it to megabytes by dividing it by 1.e+6.

◆ ConvertGB_ToBytes()

double UOperatingSystemStatics::ConvertGB_ToBytes ( const float SizeInGB)

Converts size from gigabytes (GB) to bytes.

This method takes a size in gigabytes and converts it to bytes.

SizeInGBThe size in gigabytes to convert.
The size in bytes after conversion.

◆ ConvertGB_ToMB()

float UOperatingSystemStatics::ConvertGB_ToMB ( const float SizeInGB)

Converts the given size in gigabytes to megabytes.

SizeInGBThe size in gigabytes to be converted.
The converted size in megabytes.
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ ConvertMB_ToBytes()

double UOperatingSystemStatics::ConvertMB_ToBytes ( const float SizeInMB)

Converts a size in Megabytes (MB) to bytes.

SizeInMBThe size in Megabytes to convert.
The corresponding size in bytes.
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ ConvertMB_ToGB()

float UOperatingSystemStatics::ConvertMB_ToGB ( const float SizeInMB)

Converts the given size in megabytes to gigabytes.

SizeInMBThe size in megabytes to be converted.
The converted size in gigabytes.

◆ ConvertUtcTimeToLocalTime()

FDateTime UOperatingSystemStatics::ConvertUtcTimeToLocalTime ( const FDateTime & UtcTime)

Takes a UTC time and converts it to the local time zone.

UtcTimeThe UTC time to convert.
The converted local time.
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ CreateGenericError()

FGenericError UOperatingSystemStatics::CreateGenericError ( const FText ErrorCode,
const FText ErrorDescription )

Creates a generic error object using the provided error code and error description. The error code and error description should be passed as parameters to this method.

ErrorCodeThe error code for the generic error object.
ErrorDescriptionThe error description for the generic error object.
FGenericError The created generic error object.

◆ CreateNewBattery()

FOperatingSystemBattery UOperatingSystemStatics::CreateNewBattery ( const FText Name,
const FText Brand,
const float Capacity,
const float ChargeRate,
const EOperatingSystemBatteryEfficiencyLoss EfficiencyLoss,
FGenericError & OutError )

Creates a new battery from given parameters.

The Out Error contains any error after validating the battery.
NameBattery name.
BrandBattery brand name.
CapacityBattery capacity. Recommended value between 1000 - 5000.
ChargeRateHigher numbers charge battery faster and lower number charge slower. Expects a number greater than 1000.
EfficiencyLossDetermines health. Higher efficiency loss means poorer battery health.
OutErrorOutputs error (if any).
Returns newly constructed battery.

◆ CreateNotification()

FOperatingSystemNotification UOperatingSystemStatics::CreateNotification ( const FText Title,
const FText Description,
const EOperatingSystemNotificationCategory NotificationCategory,
const EOperatingSystemNotificationType Verbosity,
const TSoftObjectPtr< UObject > Icon,
const FText Code )

Creates a new operating system notification.

TitleThe title of the notification.
DescriptionThe description of the notification.
NotificationCategoryThe category of the notification.
VerbosityThe verbosity level of the notification.
IconThe icon associated with the notification.
CodeThe code associated with the notification.
The newly created operating system notification.

◆ CreateTextureFromPath()

UTexture2D * UOperatingSystemStatics::CreateTextureFromPath ( const FString & InImagePath)

Returns a UTexture2D from the given path. Image path should be accessible and absolute (for example: C:\SomeDirectory\MyImage.png)

InImagePathAbsolute path to an image texture. (For example: C:\SomeDirectory\MyImage.png
A valid UTexture2D if an image exists in the given path.
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ DeterminePasswordStrength()

EOperatingSystemPasswordStrength UOperatingSystemStatics::DeterminePasswordStrength ( const FString & Input)

Determines the strength of a password based on the given input string.

InputThe input string representing the password.
The strength of the password, as an EOperatingSystemPasswordStrength enum value.

◆ DrawWidgetToTexture()

bool UOperatingSystemStatics::DrawWidgetToTexture ( const UObject * WorldContextObject,
UTextureRenderTarget2D * TargetTexture,
UUserWidget * Widget,
const bool bDeferUpdate = true,
const float DeltaTime = 0.f )

Projects the given widget to a texture target.

WorldContextObjectWorld context object to retrieve subsystem.
TargetTextureRender target to draw the widget.
WidgetWidget to project texture.
bDeferUpdateWhether or not the update is deferred until the end of the frame when it is potentially less expensive to update the render target.
DeltaTimeCurrently unused by Unreal Engine itself.
True if the projection to texture was successful.
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ Equal_Version()

bool UOperatingSystemStatics::Equal_Version ( const FOperatingSystemVersion & VersionOne,
const FOperatingSystemVersion & VersionTwo )

Compares two FVersion structs and returns true if they are equal, false otherwise.

VersionOneThe first FVersion struct to compare.
VersionTwoThe second FVersion struct to compare.
Returns true if VersionOne is equal to VersionTwo, false otherwise.

◆ EvaluateMathExpression()

bool UOperatingSystemStatics::EvaluateMathExpression ( const FString Expression,
float & OutValue )

Evaluates the numerical equation. Operators and precedence: 1:+- 2:/% 3:* 4:^ 5:&| Unary: - Types: Numbers (0-9.), Hex ($0-$f) Grouping: ( )

ExpressionEquation to evaluate.
OutValueResult of the equation if return value is true.
True if expression succeeded. False otherwise.

◆ FindDeviceActorByTag()

AOperatingSystemDeviceActor * UOperatingSystemStatics::FindDeviceActorByTag ( const UObject * WorldContextObject,
const FGameplayTag TestTag )

Finds a device actor by tag.

WorldContextObjectThe world context object.
TestTagThe tag used for finding the device actor.
A pointer to the found device actor, or nullptr if not found.
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ FindDeviceActorsByTag()

void UOperatingSystemStatics::FindDeviceActorsByTag ( const UObject * WorldContextObject,
const FGameplayTag TestTag,
TArray< AOperatingSystemDeviceActor * > & OutDeviceActors )

Finds device actors with a specific gameplay tag.

This method allows you to find device actors in the world that have a specific gameplay tag. The device actors are returned through an output parameter.

WorldContextObjectThe world context object.
TestTagThe gameplay tag used to filter the device actors.
OutDeviceActorsAn array of device actors that are found with the specified tag.
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ FindHardwareByTag()

UOperatingSystemBaseHardware * UOperatingSystemStatics::FindHardwareByTag ( const AOperatingSystemDeviceActor * TargetDevice,
const FGameplayTag HardwareTag )

Finds a hardware object with a specific tag on a given device.

TargetDeviceThe device on which to search for the hardware.
HardwareTagThe tag that the hardware should have.
A pointer to the found hardware object, or nullptr if no hardware with the given tag was found or the target device is not valid.
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ FindMessengerForDevice()

UOperatingSystemDeviceMessenger * UOperatingSystemStatics::FindMessengerForDevice ( const UObject * WorldContextObject,
const FGameplayTag TestTag )

Finds the messenger for a given device by its test tag.

WorldContextObjectThe world context object.
TestTagThe test tag of the device.
The messenger for the device with the test tag, or nullptr if not found.
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ FindMessengerFromOperatingSystem()

UOperatingSystemDeviceMessenger * UOperatingSystemStatics::FindMessengerFromOperatingSystem ( const UOperatingSystem * TargetOS)

Finds a messenger for the given operating system.

This method searches for a messenger associated with the given operating system. If the operating system is valid and is associated with a parent device, the messenger of that parent device is returned.

TargetOSThe operating system to find the messenger for.
The messenger associated with the operating system, or nullptr if no messenger is found or the operating system is invalid.
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GenerateRandomErrorCode()

FText UOperatingSystemStatics::GenerateRandomErrorCode ( )

Generates a random error code.

A randomly generated error code.

◆ GetBatteryHealth()

static float UOperatingSystemStatics::GetBatteryHealth ( const FOperatingSystemBattery & Battery,
const bool bNormalize = true )

Returns the battery health of the given battery.

This method returns the battery health value as a float. The battery health value represents the percentage of energy loss while charging the battery. By default, the efficiency loss value is calculated using the formula ((static_cast<uint8>(EfficiencyLoss) + 1) * 100.f) / 10.f. If bNormalize is true, the efficiency loss value is normalized to a range of [0, 1] using the formula (static_cast<uint8>(EfficiencyLoss) + 1) / 10.f.

BatteryThe FOperatingSystemBattery struct representing the battery.
bNormalize(optional) Specifies whether to normalize the battery health. Defaults to true.
The battery health value.

◆ GetBatteryHealthText()

static FText UOperatingSystemStatics::GetBatteryHealthText ( const FOperatingSystemBattery & Battery)

Returns the text description of the battery health state.

The text description of the battery health state.

◆ GetCpuSocketName()

bool UOperatingSystemStatics::GetCpuSocketName ( const FGameplayTag SocketTag,
FText & OutValue )

Retrieves the name of a CPU socket based on a given socket tag.

SocketTagThe socket tag used to identify the CPU socket.
OutValueThe output parameter that will store the retrieved CPU socket name.
True if the CPU socket name was successfully retrieved, false otherwise.

This method retrieves the name of a CPU socket based on a given socket tag. The socket tag must be a valid operating system tag and must start with "OperatingSystem.Hardware.CPU.". If the socket tag is valid and starts with the correct prefix, the method removes the prefix, replaces any "." characters with spaces, and sets the OutValue parameter with the resulting CPU socket name. The method then returns true.

If the socket tag is not a valid operating system tag or does not start with the correct prefix, the method returns false and does not modify the OutValue parameter.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ GetCpuSpeedAsText()

FText UOperatingSystemStatics::GetCpuSpeedAsText ( const float & CpuSpeedInGHz,
const bool bUseGHZ = true )

public static UOperatingSystemStatics::GetCpuSpeedAsText Returns the CPU speed as FText.

CpuSpeedInGHz[const float&] CPU Speed in GHz.
bUseGHZ[const bool] If true return value will use GHz. If false, it will be MHz.
[FText] CPU Speed as FText.

◆ GetDateAsText()

FText UOperatingSystemStatics::GetDateAsText ( const FDateTime & DateTime,
const EOperatingSystemDateSeparator Separator = EOperatingSystemDateSeparator::Dash )

Returns the given date in text format.

DateTimeThe date and time to convert.
SeparatorThe separator to use for the date components. Defaults to a dash (-).
The date as a text string.
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GetMonthName()

FText UOperatingSystemStatics::GetMonthName ( const FDateTime & DateTime,
const bool bShort = false )

Returns the month name from the given date time struct. If Short is selected, return name will be "Jan", "Feb" instead of "January", "February".

DateTimeDate Time to get month name from.
bShortReturns short name such as "Jan", "Feb" instead of "January", "February".
FText of month from given date time struct.

◆ GetPathDelimiter()

FString UOperatingSystemStatics::GetPathDelimiter ( const UOperatingSystem * TargetOS)

Returns the path delimiter used by the given operating system.

This method returns the path delimiter based on the given operating system. If the operating system is Unix-based, the delimiter will be '/'. Otherwise, if the operating system is Windows-based, the delimiter will be '\'.

TargetOSThe target operating system instance.
The path delimiter used by the operating system.
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GetRangeTime()

float UOperatingSystemStatics::GetRangeTime ( const FOperatingSystemRangeTime & TimeRange,
const float FallbackTime = 0.2 )

Retrieves a random time from a given range represented by the structure FOperatingSystemRangeTime. If the range is empty or invalid, it will return the fallback time.

TimeRangeThe range of time to get the time from.
FallbackTimeThe fallback time to return if the given range is empty or invalid.
The time from the given range, or the fallback time if the range is empty or invalid.
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ GetRelativeTime()

FText UOperatingSystemStatics::GetRelativeTime ( const FDateTime & UtcTime,
const bool bShowMinutesDifference = true,
const bool bShowHourDifference = true,
const bool bShowDaysDifference = true,
const EOperatingSystemDateSeparator DateSeparator = EOperatingSystemDateSeparator::Dash,
const EOperatingSystemTimeSeparator TimeSeparator = EOperatingSystemTimeSeparator::Colon )

Returns the relative time difference between the given UtcTime and the current local time.

UtcTimeThe UTC time to compare against the current local time.
bShowMinutesDifferenceIf set to true, displays the time difference in minutes.
bShowHourDifferenceIf set to true, displays the time difference in hours.
bShowDaysDifferenceIf set to true, displays the time difference in days.
DateSeparatorThe separator to use for displaying the date.
TimeSeparatorThe separator to use for displaying the time.
The relative time difference as FText object.
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ GetSize()

int32 UOperatingSystemStatics::GetSize ( const EOperatingSystemCommonSizes & Size)

Get the size corresponding to the given operating system common size.

This method takes an enumeration value representing a common size for an operating system. It returns the actual size in bytes corresponding to the given common size. If the input size is EOperatingSystemCommonSizes::None, the method returns 0.

SizeThe operating system common size enumeration value.
The actual size in bytes corresponding to the given operating system common size.

◆ GetSizeAsText()

FText UOperatingSystemStatics::GetSizeAsText ( const EOperatingSystemCommonSizes Size)

Get the size as text for a given operating system size.

This method uses the operating system size to calculate the size as text.

SizeThe operating system size.
The size as text.

◆ GetSpecialDirectoryName()

bool UOperatingSystemStatics::GetSpecialDirectoryName ( const FGameplayTag DirectoryTag,
FText & OutDirectoryName )

Retrieves the special directory name based on the given directory tag.

DirectoryTagThe gameplay tag representing the directory.
OutDirectoryNameThe output text containing the directory name.
True if the directory name is successfully retrieved, false otherwise.
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GetTimeAsText()

FText UOperatingSystemStatics::GetTimeAsText ( const FDateTime & DateTime,
const bool bShowSeconds = false,
const EOperatingSystemTimeSeparator Separator = EOperatingSystemTimeSeparator::Colon )

Returns the given DateTime as a text representation.

DateTimeThe DateTime value to convert.
bShowSecondsWhether to include the seconds value.
SeparatorThe separator character to use between the hour and minute values.
The text representation of the DateTime value.
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GetTimeDifferenceFromUTC()

FTimespan UOperatingSystemStatics::GetTimeDifferenceFromUTC ( )

Returns the time difference between UTC and computer local time.

Time difference between UTC and computer local time.

◆ GetUserManager()

UOperatingSystemUserManager * UOperatingSystemStatics::GetUserManager ( const UObject * WorldContextObject)

Retrieve the user manager instance for the operating system.

Returns a pointer to the UOperatingSystemUserManager object, which is responsible for managing users in the operating system.

WorldContextObjectThe world context object needed for retrieving the user manager instance.
A pointer to the UOperatingSystemUserManager object that represents the user manager instance.
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GreaterThan_Version()

bool UOperatingSystemStatics::GreaterThan_Version ( const FOperatingSystemVersion & VersionOne,
const FOperatingSystemVersion & VersionTwo )

Determines whether VersionOne is greater than VersionTwo.

VersionOneThe first version.
VersionTwoThe second version.
True if VersionOne is greater than VersionTwo, false otherwise.

◆ IsMailDataValid()

bool UOperatingSystemStatics::IsMailDataValid ( const FOperatingSystemMailSetting & TestMailSetting)

Checks if the provided mail data is valid.

TestMailSettingThe mail setting to be validated.
True if the provided mail data is valid, false otherwise.
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ IsNotificationValid()

bool UOperatingSystemStatics::IsNotificationValid ( const FOperatingSystemNotification & TestNotification)

Checks if a notification is valid.

This function checks if a given notification object is valid.

TestNotificationThe notification object to check.
True if the notification is valid, false otherwise.
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ IsOperatingSystemTagValid()

bool UOperatingSystemStatics::IsOperatingSystemTagValid ( const FGameplayTag & TestTag)

Checks if the given operating system tag is valid by verifying if it is not null and not equal to the invalid tag.

TestTagThe operating system tag to check.
True if the operating system tag is valid, false otherwise.
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ IsProgramClassCompatibleWithOS()

bool UOperatingSystemStatics::IsProgramClassCompatibleWithOS ( const TSubclassOf< UOperatingSystemBaseProgram > ProgramClass,
const UOperatingSystem * TargetOS,
FGenericError & OutError )

Check if a program class is compatible with the operating system.

ProgramClassThe class of the program to check compatibility for.
TargetOSThe target operating system to check compatibility with.
OutError[out] Any error encountered during the compatibility check.
True if the program class is compatible with the operating system, False otherwise.
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ IsRegisteredUserValid()

bool UOperatingSystemStatics::IsRegisteredUserValid ( const FOperatingSystemUser & TestUser)

Check if the user is registered (in the sense that user has email and password set)

TestUserThe registered user to check for validity.
True if the registered user is valid, false otherwise.
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ IsUniqueIdValid()

bool UOperatingSystemStatics::IsUniqueIdValid ( const FOperatingSystemUniqueId & TestID)

Checks whether a given unique id is valid or not.

TestIDThe unique id to be checked.
True if the unique id is valid, false otherwise.
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ IsUserValid()

bool UOperatingSystemStatics::IsUserValid ( const FOperatingSystemUser & TestUser)

Checks if a user is valid.

TestUserThe user to be tested.
True if the user is valid, false otherwise.
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ LessThan_Version()

bool UOperatingSystemStatics::LessThan_Version ( const FOperatingSystemVersion & VersionOne,
const FOperatingSystemVersion & VersionTwo )

Checks if VersionOne is less than VersionTwo.

VersionOneThe first version to compare.
VersionTwoThe second version to compare.
True if VersionOne is less than VersionTwo, false otherwise.

◆ OpenFile()

UOperatingSystemFile * UOperatingSystemStatics::OpenFile ( UOperatingSystemFile * TargetFile,
FGenericError & OutError )

Opens the given file and returns the file object.

TargetFileThe file to be opened.
OutErrorReference to a FGenericError object which will be filled with any errors that occur during the file opening process.
A pointer to the proxy file object if the file was opened successfully, nullptr otherwise.
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ RegexExpression()

FString UOperatingSystemStatics::RegexExpression ( const FString & TargetString,
const FString RegexPattern )

Performs regex expression matching on a target string. This method searches the target string for the first occurrence of the regex pattern and returns the matched substring.

TargetStringThe string to search within.
RegexPatternThe regex pattern to match against the target string.
The matched substring if found, or an empty string if no match is found.
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ RequestFundsFromBank()

void UOperatingSystemStatics::RequestFundsFromBank ( const UObject * WorldContextObject,
FGenericError & OutErrorIfAny,
const FOperatingSystemUser & TargetUser,
const FOperatingSystemRequestFund FundDetails )

Request funds from imaginary bank.

WorldContextObjectWorld Context Object.
OutErrorIfAnyOutputs any error message if there are any.
TargetUserUser that is requesting for funds.
FundDetailsDetails of fund to request.
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ RestartOperatingSystem()

void UOperatingSystemStatics::RestartOperatingSystem ( UOperatingSystem * TargetOS,
FGenericError & OutError )

Restarts the operating system of a target device.

This method is used to restart the operating system of the specified target device. It calls the DeviceSessionEnd method on the parent device of the target OS, passing true as the argument.

TargetOSThe UOperatingSystem instance representing the target operating system.
OutErrorAny error that outputs.
See also
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ ShutdownOperatingSystem()

void UOperatingSystemStatics::ShutdownOperatingSystem ( UOperatingSystem * TargetOS,
FGenericError & OutError )

Shuts down an operating system.

This function is responsible for shutting down the specified operating system. It terminates the device session associated with the operating system, indicating whether the session should end gracefully or not.

TargetOSThe operating system to shut down.
OutErrorAny error that outputs.
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ UniqueIdToString()

FString UOperatingSystemStatics::UniqueIdToString ( const FOperatingSystemUniqueId & TestID)

Converts a unique ID to its string representation.

TestIDThe unique ID to convert.
The string representation of the unique ID.
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ UserHasCompleteProfile()

bool UOperatingSystemStatics::UserHasCompleteProfile ( const FOperatingSystemUser & TestUser)

Checks if the user has a complete profile.

TestUserThe user to check.
True if the user has a complete profile, false otherwise.
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ UsersEqual()

bool UOperatingSystemStatics::UsersEqual ( const FOperatingSystemUser & Lhs,
const FOperatingSystemUser & Rhs )

Compares two FOperatingSystemUser objects for equality.

This method compares two FOperatingSystemUser objects, Lhs and Rhs, and returns true if they are equal, false otherwise. Equality is determined by comparing the individual properties of the FOperatingSystemUser objects.

LhsThe first FOperatingSystemUser object to compare.
RhsThe second FOperatingSystemUser object to compare.
true if the two FOperatingSystemUser objects are equal, false otherwise.

◆ UsersNotEqual()

bool UOperatingSystemStatics::UsersNotEqual ( const FOperatingSystemUser & Lhs,
const FOperatingSystemUser & Rhs )

Checks if two FOperatingSystemUser objects are not equal.

This method compares two FOperatingSystemUser objects and returns true if they are not equal, and false otherwise.

LhsThe first FOperatingSystemUser object to compare.
RhsThe second FOperatingSystemUser object to compare.
True if the two FOperatingSystemUser objects are not equal, false otherwise.

◆ VersionToString()

FString UOperatingSystemStatics::VersionToString ( const FOperatingSystemVersion & Version,
const bool bIgnorePatch = false )

Converts a version number to a string representation.

Version[const FVersion&] The version number to convert.
bIgnorePatch[const bool] If true, the patch number will be ignored.
[FString] The version number as a string.
Here is the call graph for this function:

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