►CAActor | |
►CAOperatingSystemDeviceActor | |
CAOperatingSystemPortableDeviceActor | |
►CACharacter | |
CAViewportWorldCharacter | A character class representing a character in the viewport world |
►CAPawn | |
CAViewportWorldPawn | Represents a pawn in the viewport world |
►CAPlayerController | |
CAViewportWorldPlayerController | A player controller class for the viewport world. This class extends APlayerController and implements IViewportWorldInterface. It is responsible for managing the input mapping context for the viewport world pawn |
CFBrowserBookmark | Struct representing a bookmark in a browser |
CFBrowserCookie | Represents a browser cookie |
CFCustomMaskedDomains | |
►CFGameplayDebuggerCategory | |
CFGameplayDebuggerCategory_GlobalMessenger | Represents a gameplay debugger category for global messaging subsystem |
CFGenericError | Represents a generic error with an error code and an optional exception description |
CFGlobalMessageListener | Represents a listener for global messages |
CFInternetBrowserHistory | Struct representing the history of internet browser navigation |
CFOperatingSystemBankAccount | Struct representing a bank account in the operating system |
CFOperatingSystemBankUserData | Stores bank user data for the operating system |
CFOperatingSystemBattery | Represents the save/load data for a portable device battery |
CFOperatingSystemCommandFlag | Represents a command flag for the operating system. A command flag must be prefixed by "-" or "--". Examples include "-a", "--info", etc |
CFOperatingSystemCreditCard | Structure representing a credit card in the operating system |
CFOperatingSystemDeviceSaveLoad | Represents the save/load data for an operating system device |
CFOperatingSystemDirectoriesSaveLoad | Represents the save/load data for a set of operating system directories |
CFOperatingSystemEmail | Represents an email address and password for use in an operating system |
CFOperatingSystemFilesSaveLoad | |
CFOperatingSystemNotification | A struct representing an operating system notification |
CFOperatingSystemNotificationSettings | Structure representing the settings for operating system notifications |
CFOperatingSystemPartitionSaveLoad | Represents the save/load data for an operating system partition |
CFOperatingSystemProgramDelegate | Delegate representing the event when a program is uninstalled in the operating system |
CFOperatingSystemProgramSaveLoad | Represents the save/load data for a specific operating system program |
CFOperatingSystemRangeTime | |
CFOperatingSystemRequestFund | Struct representing a fund request to the bank in the operating system |
CFOperatingSystemRequestFundPending | Represents a pending fund request in the operating system |
CFOperatingSystemSaveLoad | Represents the save/load data for an operating system |
CFOperatingSystemSettingModuleInfo | Basic information regarding an operating system setting module |
CFOperatingSystemSizeInGB | |
CFOperatingSystemSizeInMB | |
CFOperatingSystemStoreApps | Represents a structure that stores information about operating system store apps |
CFOperatingSystemStoreProgramData | Represents data for a program in the operating system's store |
CFOperatingSystemStoreReviewUser | Represents a user that has logged into the operating system's store review |
CFOperatingSystemUniqueId | This class represents a unique identifier for an operating system |
CFOperatingSystemUser | Represents a user in the operating system simulator |
CFOperatingSystemUserEmailSet | |
CFOperatingSystemUserFundTransaction | Struct representing a user fund transaction in the operating system |
CFOperatingSystemUserManagerSaveData | Data structure for saving and loading user data |
CFOperatingSystemVersion | Represents an operating system version containing major, minor, and patch numbers |
CFOperatingSystemVideoPlayerConfig | Represents the configuration for an operating system video player |
►CFTableRowBase | |
CFOperatingSystemBankSetting | Structure representing a bank setting in the operating system |
CFOperatingSystemCreditCardSetting | |
CFOperatingSystemMailSetting | |
►CFTickableGameObject | |
CUOperatingSystemBIOS | BIOS of an operating system. It provides functionalities for initializing the BIOS, opening the BIOS widget, and toggling the clock |
CFViewportWorldHandle | Represents a handle to a viewport world |
CFViewportWorldOptions | Represents the options for a viewport world |
►CIModuleInterface | |
CFDraggableWindowUMGModule | |
CFGlobalCoreModule | |
CFGlobalMessengerEditorModule | |
CFGlobalMessengerModule | |
CFInternetBrowserUMGModule | |
CFOperatingSystemEditorModule | |
CFOperatingSystemJSONModule | |
CFOperatingSystemSimulatorModule | |
CFViewportWorldsModule | |
►CIOperatingSystemExplorerInterface | |
►CUOperatingSystemDirectory | Operating system directory. It inherits from UObject and implements the IOperatingSystemExplorerInterface. This class provides functionalities for creating, managing, and accessing directories in an operating system |
CUOperatingSystemDir_Desktop | |
CUOperatingSystemDir_Documents | |
CUOperatingSystemDir_Downloads | |
CUOperatingSystemDir_Music | |
CUOperatingSystemDir_Pictures | |
CUOperatingSystemDir_Users | |
CUOperatingSystemDir_Videos | |
CUOperatingSystemRootDirectory | Represents the root directory of the operating system |
CUOperatingSystemPartition | Operating system partition. It inherits from UObject and implements the IOperatingSystemExplorerInterface. This class provides functionality to manage directories, disk information, and file operations |
►CIOperatingSystemThemeInterface | An interface class for handling operating system theme changes in widgets |
►CUOperatingSystemButtonWidget | A button widget for the operating system |
►CUOperatingSystemIconWidget | |
CUOperatingSystemFileIconWidget | |
CUOperatingSystemProgramIconWidget | Represents a widget that displays an icon for an operating system program |
►CUOperatingSystemWidgetBase | |
CUOperatingSystemMailContentWidget | |
CUOperatingSystemSettingModuleWidget | |
CUOperatingSystemTaskbarButton | Represents a taskbar button in the operating system |
►CUOperatingSystemWindowWidgetBase | |
CUOperatingSystemFileWidget | |
►CUOperatingSystemProgramWidget | |
CUOperatingSystemExplorerWidget | |
►CIViewportWorldInterface | |
CAViewportWorldCharacter | A character class representing a character in the viewport world |
CAViewportWorldPawn | Represents a pawn in the viewport world |
CAViewportWorldPlayerController | A player controller class for the viewport world. This class extends APlayerController and implements IViewportWorldInterface. It is responsible for managing the input mapping context for the viewport world pawn |
CSaveLoad_OperatingSystem | Represents the save/load data for an operating system |
►CSViewport | |
CSViewportWorld | |
►CTCommands | |
CFOperatingSystemEditorCommands | FOperatingSystemEditorCommands is a class that defines the commands available in the operating system editor. It inherits from TCommands<FOperatingSystemEditorCommands> and implements the RegisterCommands function and the CreateCommands function |
►CTSharedFromThis | |
CFGlobalMessenger | Represents a global messenger for sending messages to multiple listeners |
CFOperatingSystemDeviceMessengerSystem | |
CFOperatingSystemNotificationManager | Manages operating system notifications for a specific world |
CFOperatingSystemWidgetDrawer | This class is responsible for rendering user widgets onto a target texture |
►CUAssetUserData | |
CUOperatingSystemImageToTextureUserData | A class for storing user data related to converting operating system images to textures |
CUOperatingSystemImageToTextureUserData | A class for storing user data related to converting operating system images to textures |
►CUBlueprintFunctionLibrary | |
CUOperatingSystemJsonStatics | This class provides static utility functions for operating system related JSON operations |
CUOperatingSystemStatics | |
CUViewportWorldStatics | A static class that provides utility functions for working with viewport worlds |
►CUCommonButtonBase | |
CUOperatingSystemButtonWidget | A button widget for the operating system |
►CUCommonUserWidget | |
CUOperatingSystemBiosWidget | This class represents a BIOS widget in the operating system simulator |
CUOperatingSystemDeviceWidget | This class represents a widget for an operating system device |
CUOperatingSystemWidget | A class representing a widget for an operating system simulator |
CUOperatingSystemWidgetBase | |
►CUContentWidget | |
CUViewportWorldWidget | |
►CUDataAsset | |
CUOperatingSystemCmdCollection | |
CUOperatingSystemDirectoriesCollection | |
►CUOperatingSystemProgramsCollection | |
CUOperatingSystemStoreProgramsCollection | |
►CUDeveloperSettings | |
CUOperatingSystemPluginSettings | Holds the settings for the Operating System plugin |
CUViewportWorldSettings | |
►CUGameInstanceSubsystem | |
CUOperatingSystemGameSubsystem | |
CUViewportWorldSubsystem | |
►CUGameViewportClient | |
CUViewportWorldGameClient | |
►CUInterface | |
CUOperatingSystemExplorerInterface | |
CUOperatingSystemThemeInterface | |
CUViewportWorldInterface | |
►CUObject | |
CUInternetBrowserHistoryManager | A class that manages the internet browser history |
►CUOperatingSystem | Represents an operating system in the simulation |
CUOperatingSystemNonUnix | This class represents a non-unix operating system. It inherits from UOperatingSystem and provides additional functionality specific to non-unix systems |
►CUOperatingSystemUnix | Class that represents a Unix-based operating system in the Operating System Simulator. This class is a child class of UOperatingSystem and provides additional functionality specific to Unix systems |
CUOperatingSystemUnixPhone | A class representing a Unix operating system for a phone device. This class is a child class of UOperatingSystemUnix |
CUOperatingSystemBIOS | BIOS of an operating system. It provides functionalities for initializing the BIOS, opening the BIOS widget, and toggling the clock |
CUOperatingSystemBaseDevice | This class represents a device that can run an operating system. It contains properties related to the device hardware, the operating system that the device is running, and the device state. It also provides functions to start and stop the operating system, manage the device's on-screen widget, and update the device state |
►CUOperatingSystemBaseHardware | |
CUOperatingSystemCPU | |
CUOperatingSystemGPU | |
CUOperatingSystemHDD | |
CUOperatingSystemMBB | |
CUOperatingSystemPSU | |
CUOperatingSystemRAM | |
►CUOperatingSystemBaseProgram | |
CUOperatingSystemAudioPlayer | |
CUOperatingSystemStore | |
CUOperatingSystemTerminal | |
CUOperatingSystemVideoPlayer | A class for representing a video player program in the operating system |
►CUOperatingSystemDataObject | UOperatingSystemDataObject is a base class for operating system data objects. It inherits from UObject and provides functionality for tick-based updates and object creation |
►CUOperatingSystemProgramData | |
CUOperatingSystemExplorerHistory | |
CUOperatingSystemTerminalHistory | |
CUOperatingSystemVideoPlayerProgramData | |
CUOperatingSystemSettingsData | This class represents the settings data for the operating system. It contains information about the modules and their settings |
CUOperatingSystemDeviceMessenger | |
CUOperatingSystemDirectory | Operating system directory. It inherits from UObject and implements the IOperatingSystemExplorerInterface. This class provides functionalities for creating, managing, and accessing directories in an operating system |
►CUOperatingSystemFile | |
CUOperatingSystemAudioFile | |
CUOperatingSystemVideoFile | Represents an operating system video file |
CUOperatingSystemPartition | Operating system partition. It inherits from UObject and implements the IOperatingSystemExplorerInterface. This class provides functionality to manage directories, disk information, and file operations |
►CUOperatingSystemSettingModule | Represents a module for operating system settings |
CUOperatingSystemSettingModule_Theme | |
CUOperatingSystemSettingModule_Wallpaper | |
CUOperatingSystemTerminalCommand | |
►CUSaveGame | |
CUInternetBrowserSaveGame | Represents the save game data for the Internet Browser widget |
CUOperatingSystemBankManager | A class that manages the bank functionality in the operating system |
CUOperatingSystemMailManager | Handles the management of operating system emails |
►CUOperatingSystemProgramSettings | |
CUOperatingSystemVideoPlayerSettings | |
CUOperatingSystemSaveGame | |
CUOperatingSystemUserManager | Manager class for operating system users |
►CUUserWidget | |
CUDraggableWindow | User widget class that represents a draggable window widget. It allows users to create draggable windows with optional resizing and maximizing features |
CUOperatingSystemBsodWidget | Represents the BSOD (Blue Screen of Death) widget for an operating system |
CUOperatingSystemBsodWidget | Represents the BSOD (Blue Screen of Death) widget for an operating system |
►CUWidget | |
CUInternetBrowser | Represents a web browser widget that can be embedded in a UMG widget |
►CUWorldSubsystem | |
CUGlobalMessageSubsystem | Subsystem that allows broadcasting and listening to global messages |
CUOperatingSystemWorldSubsystem | |